The Society
The North London Railway
Historical Society (NLRHS) was conceived in 1989 by a small group of
people who were concerned that although the NLR had many followers,
there was no specific forum for them to meet and exchange information.
A short mention in the Railway magazine led to an inaugural meeting in
October 1990, presided over by the late Michael Robbins, author of the
only history of the line then available. The society has expanded and among its members are several well-known authors and historians, as well as a number of professional railwaymen.
We cater for everybody interested in the story of the railway and the many associated lines, from 1846 to the present day. Although we encourage members to undertake research and write articles, there is no compulsion, and people with an affection for this interesting railway who wish to learn more are just as welcome.
An illustrated journal is produced three times a year, and covers all aspects of the line, its stations, train services, signalling, locomotives and rolling stock. Five meetings are held in central London each year in the afternoon; as well as an annual guided walk or tour. Speakers cover a wide variety of topics, and members are encouraged to participate.
Index to Journals 1-57 (PDF File)
Index to Journals 51-73 (PDF File)